S1 - E17 | Kate embraced her intuitive gifts and found freedom from shame

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I grew up seeing spirits, travelling through my dreams, remembering past lives, all kinds of crazy stuff. My grandfather was schizophrenic... So from an early age, I really had a fear that I was just bananas. So I learnt just to keep everything quiet, all the stuff about spirits and past lives and travelling through space and dreams. I've kept all my sensitive stuff as quiet as possible, all my psychic stuff as quiet as possible and I've been ashamed of it most of my life. Finding shamanism... it really helped me land in the life of a shamanic way. Now, living in that world from that way has changed everything for me."


Kate shares her journey of embracing her spiritual gifts and overcoming shame and codependency. She grew up with experiences of seeing spirits and remembering her past lives but kept them hidden due to fear and shame. 
Kate found a sense of oneness and belonging through Shamanic healing and connecting with the spirit world. She emphasises the importance of safe spaces and the healing power of love. She also discusses the impact of codependency on relationships and the transformation that comes from being true to oneself. 
The conversation explores the importance of authenticity and setting boundaries in relationships. It emphasises the need to be genuine and authentic. However, having boundaries to protect oneself from being manipulated or taken advantage of is also essential. Boundaries are highlighted as a key issue in relationships, as not having boundaries can lead to resentment and ineffective communication. 
The conversation also touches on ancestral healing, where the trauma and beliefs of previous generations can be passed down and affect individuals. 

  • Embracing our spiritual gifts can lead to a sense of oneness and belonging.
  • Creating safe spaces is crucial for healing and personal growth.
  • Shame and codependency can hinder our ability to be true to ourselves.
  • Love and connection are transformative and can replace fear and panic.
  • Being authentic and loving from within brings a sense of peace and fulfillment. Authenticity and genuineness create a pleasurable feeling in relationships.
  • Setting boundaries is essential to protect oneself from manipulation and exploitation.
  • Not having boundaries can lead to resentment and ineffective communication.
  • Ancestral healing involves connecting with wise and well ancestors to release trauma and bring healing.

Sound Bites
  • "I feel through the layers of people's auras, go right deep into people's true core natures and work with spirits of the dead to help them cross over."
  • "If we're not just a meat suit, if we are connected into this spirit world, all of a sudden you feel the people around you, you feel your ancestors, you feel the love, you feel the oneness."
  • "When you're genuine, when you're authentic, that also can be felt."
  • "It is so much nicer when we are authentic and living like that."
  • "Boundaries are the key issue in relationships."

03:30 - Awakening to Intuition and Shamanism
07:00 - Guiding Spirits of the Dead
11:26 - Understanding Our Spiritual Nature
15:17 - Overcoming Shame and Embracing Authenticity
21:29 - Impact on Relationships and Codependency
28:35 - Finding Love and Connection from Within
33:42 - The Power of Authenticity and Setting Boundaries
41:30 - Learning and Growing from Mistakes
44:45 - Finding Safe Spaces for Healing
48:48 - Connecting with Ancestors for Healing
59:14 - Embracing Sensitivity as a Superpower

Creators and Guests

Hamish Niven
Hamish Niven
Host of The Crucible Podcast 🎙 Guide & Mentor 💣 Challenging your Patterns Behaviours Stories
S1 - E17 | Kate embraced her intuitive gifts and found freedom from shame
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