Welcome to The Crucible Conversations for the Curious. In each episode, you’ll hear from guests who’ve been through profound, life-altering experiences from life-threatening illnesses or accidents. Deep, existential crisis, Overcoming burnout and addiction or having to make life choices that have brought them peace, connection and purpose.  
They've stared into the abyss, walked through the fire of their own personal dark night of the soul, and emerged on the other side transformed. This podcast is for anyone going through an awakening, a time of massive change, or questioning the meaning of life.   

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Latest Episodes

S2-E15 | Joshua Self Medicated His Way Through Life Until He Understood They Actually Limited his Life

HighlightI couldn't understand regular social nuances as a kid. Sarcasm was lost on me. I was gullible, and people took advantage. I used drugs to find a way around th...

S2-E14 | From The Crucible - Quitting Made Me Successful And It Will Help You Too

Highlight"So you quit. So you've been to the gym for two weeks and it's impossible. That's okay. Step back, reassess what was important. Was it that important? If it w...

S2-E13 | JD Faced Bullying And Rejection For Being An Albino yet Being Different Became His Strength

Highlights"Growing up with albinism isn't easy. A lot of questions are asked... When I was very young in my childhood, doctors had basically told me that I would be co...

S2-E12 | James Embraced His Neurodiversity And used his Pain to Create Music

Highlight"If I'm not feeling okay, I find out right away. And instead of sitting with the emotion, I try to make friends with it so I can say, right, I can walk with t...

S2-E11 | AJ Builds a NonProfit - Our People Rise From experiencing Life on The Streets

Highlight"When I see people on the streets, I see future nonprofit leaders, I see future teachers, parents, retaking the head of their families. The days of going into...

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